Luke's birthday morning started out with his first present--a new bike!! I know this isn't a good shot, but I just love the expression on his face! (Oh, and ignore the messy house!)
Yes, this is what Luke chooses to wear at 8 in the morning--pajama top, underoos, and a ball cap. Such a boy.
Anyway, with a bit of help, he hopped right on to try and figure this thing out.
He did very well with one exception. When he rides his tricycle, he gets his momentum up to start moving by doing a little half back pedal manuver. If you remember, these little bikes brake when you back pedal so he got very frustrated at the beginning. It was two steps forward, one pedal back on the learning curve until we were both in/near tears out of frustration.
Luckily, Will soon went down for his nap and we were able to take it outside where we had room to move and really figure it out.
Later that afternoon, Daddy took him up to his office after hours where he really got the best practice cruising around the parking lot.
Then we decorated the driveway for his big day.
The next weekend, we had a small party for Luke at a nearby park. The weather was perfect and I think everyone had a good time.
This is Luke NOT wanting his picture taken as he was very busy driving and protecting this spot from any other kids. This is his favorite part of this park--which he refers to as "the driving park."
Will, surely exhausted from staying up until 3 am the previous evening, spent most of the party parked here under a tree. I was pleased that he got a nap.
Luke was super-excited about opening presents this year. In the past we have had to tear him away from eating to get him to open gifts--I guess he remembers what a great time it was at Christmas because he tore into them.
This displays some of his favorite gifts this year:
a cars chair--kid sized
a clock he can turn
a watch
Daddy got him a t-ball set that was a big hit with all the kids, and a fun toy to have at the park that day.
Luke's turn.
All that was left was to blow out the candles and eat cupcakes!
Happy Birthday Party!