Friday, December 30, 2011

Best of Fall

I think I crashed Blogger three times trying to upload all these pictures.

Since I was a big fat slacker and didn't post much this fall I thought I'd just lump 'em all together here in a greatest hits post. Otherwise, I'd never get around to posting about everything I want to share.

Fall school pictures:

 I love the hand-on-hand action in this one. They are going to love it when they are older. The photographer was probably just trying to pin Will down.
Peek-a-boo! The cutest bug I've ever found behind the blinds!

 Getting silly for Halloween
 Darth Vader had some work to catch up on before trick-or-treating.

My sweet little penguin and darth vader before the trick-or-treating begins. Will loved Halloween this year--except for wearing a piece of costume on his head--but loved everything else. The candy, the kids, going door-to-door. We weren't sure he would last long with the walking, but he proved us wrong (as always) and lasted as long as Luke.

 I guess he could have been a pirate but the costume looks a little painful. Gotta be tough to be a pirate.
 Will & I feeling green.
Cute little indian all ready for a Thanksgiving feast!

Thanksgiving we continued our annual tradition of doing the Fort Worth Turkey Trot. The weather was beautiful and all the hats and jackets had been shed by the end. Will was much happier this year--he cried the entire 5k last year. We declared this year the last for Luke to participate in the stroller. Against his will he will be walking it on his own two feet next year. When you add the boys weight and the weight of the stroller it is nearly 100 lbs. This summer we walked to the park a lot and I started having low back pain from it. Training starts Jan 1 for Luke. He's not pleased.

A big grin before he found out he is walking it next year.

We headed over to Grammy & Pops for Thanksgiving lunch. My cousin Sarah took some sweet pictures of the boys while we were there.

A moment of sweet brother-ness. Sitting close watching Toy Story. I assure you it was only a moment.
Luke striking a rock star pose before heading out to school one morning. Must have been a good day!

Play ball!

I figure since it's time to sign-up for spring ball I could get around to posting about fall ball. . . Luke played t-ball for the first time this fall. He loved it and was really great about getting out there every practice and every game without a fuss. He was so excited to wear all the parts of the uniform and hit the ball. He really liked playing pitcher. The whole team was 4-6 years old but he was one of the youngest in the group. He only made the age cut-off by a few days. Just wanted to share some of my favorite pictures. I just think t-ball at this age is adorable. There is no pressure to win--or really even catch the ball. I am so tickled by what the kids choose to do out on the field other than play ball.

High-fiving the umpire while taking the pitcher's mound

And here's the pitch. . . (with the imaginary ball of course! I love it!)

Playing catcher's position. 

 Will loves going to t-ball too! Loves everything about it and gets so excited just talking about "ballgame!!!"

 Waiting in the dugout.
 Must have been an eventful game. Luke's in the front.

His coaches were wonderful people. They were so patient and kind with the kids and we couldn't have asked for a better pair.
 Running the bases. The most important part of the game to Luke. He felt successful if he got to run to a base in the game. (He's in the navy pants)
 Will sitting on the bench with the big boys during practice.

He is so excited to play again this spring.  It makes for a busy life around here but we are all enjoying it so far!