Thank you Pinterest for the Muno-inspired chocolate dipped pretzels--they were a hit with the kiddies, and delicious too.
Grammy made him a fabulously scrumptious DJ Lance Rock fluffy orange hat cake.
What Gabba party would be complete without Gabba land?? I thought I was buying a Yo Gabba Gabba book for Will on Amazon, but when it arrived it was really this fold out-paper doll play set thing. Not super fun for a 2 year old but made for cute counter top decorations for the party. Luke has enjoyed playing with it.
Luke spun Gabba tunes all afternoon in the play room and showed off some sweet moves.
Will was a fabulous host and welcomed all his friends with big hugs!
He blew out both his candles like a champ.
Grammy made some cupcakes too per special Willy request. Will ate his one sprinkle at a time in true Willy fashion.
Playing in his Gabba tent filled with balloons! I am still finding balloons all over the house.
The kids played pin-the-eye-on-Muno.
A couple of cute DJ Lances at the exclusive after party.
It was a fun party and we were so grateful to the friends and family who helped us celebrate. Fitting in one more event in the already busy month of December is no small feat! We had all been at cousing Maya's party the day before so it really was a weekend of birthdays for our families. Next year we are going to try to plan consecutive parties for the two. Hmmm. We'll see if we can be organized enough to pull that one together. 20 facts about Will at 2:
1. Loves cereal. Eats bowls and bowls of it. Probably at least 4 bowls a day. His favorite are Froot Loops, Chocolate Cheerios, and Honey Nut Chex.
2. Loves to jump. On things. Off things. Just jump around. The kid has got so much energy to burn.
3. Favorite TV shows are Yo Gabba Gabba and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Still has a little soft spot for some Baby Einstein though. (Seriously, do kids ever outgrow Baby E??? Even Luke enjoys one every now and then.)
4. Not so much into wearing clothing. Really likes to show off his undressing skills in public places.
5. Temper. Temper. Temper. Stand back.
6. Bangs his head on things when he is really upset. Not just things, he specifically finds hard things. Shelves, tables, wall, ceramic tile. He will get up and walk over to the tile just to bang his head on it.
7. Wants to be just like his big brother when he grows up. (And this drives Luke bananas.)
8. Favorite CD is Mama Mia. He can't help but dance when its on.
9. Gives some pretty sweet snuggles when he needs some love.
10. Knows a billion words. Speaks in sentences. Says "Awesome" on a daily basis (which makes me laugh).
11. Knows all his capital letters, some of his lowercase letters, and numbers 0-10. Can sing most of the ABC song by himself.
12. Loves to be read to. Current favorite books are Knuffle Bunny, anything Llama Llama, Dr. Seuss ABC's, and Berenstein Bears Clean House.
13. Charmingly crooked teeth and cross bite create a cutie-pie smile but mommy and daddy forsee a lifetime of orthodontic bills.
14. Will never turn down ham. Loves the stuff.
15. Loves dogs, all sizes.
16. Loves going to "school" and likes the idea of wearing a backpack. Once its on though he rethinks the decision and would really prefer if someone else would carry it.
17. He needs a haircut. I can't stand when the hair falls over their collar. I'm sure when they are teenagers, my boys will make up for all the short cuts I keep them in now.
18. He loves to put on a show when he is supposed to be sleeping. He has come up with all sorts of acrobatic tricks to "fall" (read flip, slip, jump, skip, etc) out of bed at bedtime--over the toddler rail of course.
19. Watching him do somersaults is hilarious. I had him in tumbling once but it's mommy & me classes and he wears me out. He can't go by himself until he is three.
20. He is the funniest, sweetest, most energetic, smartest two year old I know and I wouldn't change him for the world.!