We headed out to Tyler, Texas one Saturday to attend Gene's family reunion at Gene's Grandfather's house. Luke had a good time introducing himself to everyone and sampling whatever it was they had on their plate. This is a picture of Luke with his daddy and his Great-Grandfather Bob. We were happy to be able to take Luke out there.

For two weeks in July, Luke and I took mommy & me swimming lessons at the Hurst city pool. He did good most days, although he was more interested in getting out of the pool than getting in. It was fun to hang out with other kids his age, and he looked cute running around in his suit and flip-flops.
Luke has been playing independently for longer periods lately. Things were quiet one afternoon and I went to check on him. This is what I found--snuggled on his blanket, revving his truck back & forth--very grown up.
This is one of Luke's favorite toys these days. He climbs on and off, hides toys under the seat, and pushes it around the house. He can ride it backwards but can't quite figure out how to go forwards yet.
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