Brand new in the delivery room. . .

Sweet baby napping in the sunshine. . . well, what sunshine there was. That was a very rainy season and everytime I would put him in the window the clouds would roll in.

Exactly one month old.

About six weeks old. . .

Man, he loved that bouncer. I was sad to put it away but he played in it until he was so heavy he was almost laying on the floor.

Not long after I went back to work Luke found his thumb. I found him like this one morning when I came home from work and it's been there ever since.

I just love seeing his sweet face every morning.

A very thoughtful moment.

My sweet pea in the pumpkin house.

This year's Turkey Trot was pretty cold, but Luke had lots of warmth in his reindeer suit.
Merry Christmas!
Starting to walk along the furniture and walls. . .
Sweet little face!

Happy First Birthday!
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