Grammy & Grampa's gift had a Christmas ornament attached to it. Luke refused to continue opening it until he got to put his ornament on the tree. It was kinda sweet. We have been working with Luke all month to leave the ornaments ON the tree and when they "accidentally" fall off he has to put them back on. He put this one on the tree all by himself.
Luke was sure to appreciate each gift. He had to stop and investigate each thing completely. Here he had to clear off half the table to make room for his new Curious George book. He is pointing to George on the cover.
Gift opening was fun. . . until this set in. The picture doesn't do it justice. There was kicking, screaming, arm flailing--the works. I just laughed and Grammy took him upstairs for his naptime.
After naptime, it was off to church where Luke enjoyed the songs and the pew pencils. He was very well behaved for the service. Following church, we headed back to our place to get ready for Gene's family to arrive.
Here is a cute PJ pic in front of the tree before bed.
It's funny, it looks like he can barely keep his eyes open, yet, this kiddo stayed up playing in his bed until close to 10 pm. Guess he knew Santa was on his way. . .

Prepare for a LONG Christmas day post. .. .
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