Thursday, December 31, 2009
Santa stopped here!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Portraits of Will

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Strictly Will
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Let it snow,let it snow. . .
As tradition, we spent Christmas Eve at my parents. Just like the rest of the nation, we got to experience some of the crazy winter weather.
Sweet dreams!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
One more night, hopefully
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Bilirubin bulletin--
Friday, December 11, 2009
Will is here!
Proud daddy!
Tired & happy Mommy!
No, he's not crying--he's hungry! Kid is eating like a champ!
Big Brother's first glimpse of baby Will!
Brothers finally get to meet.
Getting some sunshine for that darn jaundice.
Luke loves his brother! He wanted his picture taken with him.
His two favorite things--Will and cars.
Getting his snooze on in his phototherapy bed on the kitchen table. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so thankful to be doing this at home this time!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
You have five days to vacate the premises. . .
Okay, okay. This is my retarded way of saying--I'm ready to be done!! If this baby doesn't come out before next Tuesday, I will be headed to the hospital early Tuesday morning for an induction. Will's room is pretty much completed except for hanging a few things on the wall. Tuesday--dang! I still have to work two more shifts and attend a work party. My Dr. has been promising me all along that I wouldn't go this far! What do dr's know anyway????
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Weekly Baby Update...
Went to the OB today. I am now at a three, almost completely thinned, and very low. Still having tons of irregular contractions and on & off cramping. I am ready to be done. I have started having trouble sleeping just because I can't get comfortable. We three are walking in the turkey trot tomorrow, so maybe that will get things started for this little turkey! Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Baby Update
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tricks and Treats
Luke really enjoyed Halloween! I think this is the first year he is truly going to "get" celebrations and holidays. He's real into parties right now. We had a bunch of birthday parties followed by Halloween parties followed by birthday parties. I know he has the association down that birthday party = cake. Kid loves cake. I was trying to get a picture of his Halloween shirt that he wore to his Halloween party at school but he was too busy eating his crackers. I think it's a cute picture anyway.
Trick or Treating:
The actual night of Halloween was great for Luke. I was still trying to fully recover from my flu (but not contagious, just tired and weakly). Luke loved putting on his costume, loved carrying his pumpkin bucket, loved trick-or-treating, but most of all--loved the kids trick-or-treating at our house. In a crafty mood this year, I made his costume. Not the work of the worlds greatest seamstress, but I think it turned out okay for a two year old. I decided to spare him this year and not force him to wear anything goofy on his head. If you remember, his first Halloween he was a pea pod and last year a penguin. Baseball player it is! He already wears his baseball caps willingly. (Ignore the messy playroom in the background. I am sick and weakly, remember?)
Making goofy faces for my camera.
Nope, he's not looking for the ball. He is checking out the fairies in the front yard across the street and BEGGING to go over there. They were out having their pics taken too. Luke was fascinated that they had a pink pumpkin bucket and a purple pumpkin bucket and was just dying to go check out those pumpkins. (Or the fairies, not really sure which one.)
Practicing for later.
His agent took him out for some door to door action.
After they had enough, the boys came home and helped me hand out candy. Luke loved the kids ringing the doorbell and parked himself right by the door until we shut it down. Later that night he woke up crying and I went to his room. After he calmed down all he could talk about was the kids at our door. I guess he was dreaming about them. Man, if he liked Halloween so much, what is he going to think about Christmas??