Just like when Luke was born, I went into labor in the wee hours of the morning on the day I was to be induced anyway. We got to the hospital around 4am on Tuesday and I was having hard contractions. I stayed pretty uncomfortable until I got my epidural around 9 or 10. After that it was smooth sailing. I started pushing about 1230 and at 1244, William made his arrival. We came home Thursday afternoon and Luke couldn't wait to meet him. (Small children aren't allowed on the hospital floors right now thanks to swine flu, so Luke hadn't been able to meet him yet.) Luke adores him and we are working on gentle ways to touch baby Will. Also just like Luke, Will is jaundice. We went to the pediatrician today--I didn't want to waste any time as I suspected this might happen. Luckily, we are still early and we have started our phototherapy at home. The home health agency came this evening to set up all our equipment and we will have his bilirubin checked again tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will bring it down and we won't have to admit him I don't have much time to write, just wanted to post some pics.

To everyone we told he was 8lbs 9 oz, well I found this evidence--he's 8 lbs 10 oz.
Proud daddy!
Tired & happy Mommy!
No, he's not crying--he's hungry! Kid is eating like a champ!
Big Brother's first glimpse of baby Will!
Brothers finally get to meet.
Getting some sunshine for that darn jaundice.
Luke loves his brother! He wanted his picture taken with him.
His two favorite things--Will and cars.
Getting his snooze on in his phototherapy bed on the kitchen table. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so thankful to be doing this at home this time!
Congrats Liz, Gene, and Luke! Very excited for you all and I'm glad everyone is healthy and happy! I'll look forward to seeing him at Erin's wedding weekend I hope!
Congratulations Moore Family! Welcome to the world, Will!
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